Dear Colleagues,
We are organizing a session on seagrass/ benthic algae resiliency for the 
upcoming 2013 Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conference in San Diego 
(November 3-7).  The deadline for abstract submissions is June 1, 2013. More 
information about the conference is available at

The goal of this session is to present recent findings and improved 
understanding of mechanisms that drive ecosystem and community stability and 
resilience, with an emphasis on seagrass- and benthic algae- dominated 
communities and associated ecosystem components. 

We aim to connect science and management through encouraging oral and poster 
presentations that explore evidence of ‘tipping points’ of abiotic or biotic 
stressors which predicate large-scale shifts in community dominance and the 
implications for management and restoration. 

We anticipate this will be an excellent opportunity to discuss our related 
research  in a beautiful setting, and so we encourage you to submit an abstract 
for either an oral or poster presentation and join us in San Diego.
Please pass this information to your colleagues. We hope to have representation 
from scientists in all kinds of estuarine/coastal environments.
If you have questions regarding the session, please feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Ben Fertig
Rutgers University

Jessie Jarvis
Richard Stockton College


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