Postdoctoral Position in the Ecology or Evolution of Mutualism

A postdoctoral position is available in the Frederickson Lab in the
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Toronto.
My lab conducts research on the ecology and evolution of mutualism in a
range of systems, especially protective ant-plant mutualisms, seed dispersal
by ants, and, increasingly, interactions between bacteria and their plant or
insect hosts. 

The ideal candidate will have a clear intellectual vision of promising
directions and unresolved fundamental questions in mutualism ecology or
evolution. Projects may involve greenhouse or molecular work, field
experiments, or behavioral research on live ant colonies in the lab. Lab
members do field research at the University of Toronto’s field station, the
Koffler Scientific Reserve at Jokers Hill (, as well as in
the Peruvian Amazon and elsewhere. 

The successful candidate will primarily conduct independent research and
work towards publishing in peer-reviewed journals; the postdoc will also be
expected to mentor students and to perform some light administrative duties.
The position is for 1 year, with the possibility of a second year depending
on both progress and available funding. The preferred start date is August
1, 2013, but the position could start as early as July 1, 2013 or as late as
January 1, 2014. The salary is $40,000 Canadian a year. 

Interested candidates should contact me by email
( Please include a single PDF attachment
containing your CV, a brief description of past research accomplishments and
future goals, and the names and email addresses of 2 potential references.

Toronto is a vibrant, multicultural city on the shore of Lake Ontario, with
a high quality of life. The EEB department is home to an interactive,
collegial group of ecologists and evolutionary biologists, and currently
supports a strong group of postdoctoral fellows with diverse research interests.

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