Dear Listers,

As a part of my PhD project, I am going to deploy a number of water level
and temperature loggers (probably type HOBO U20) at different sites of a
small river and its floodplain. The system is governed by strong summer and
winter inundations, the low-water line is around 0.7 m, strong winter
inundations can reach as high as 5 m. I am particularly concerned about
loads of tree trunks and timber, which can damage, destroy or detach
loggers (and quickly deplete my limited budget).

I was wondering if anyone of you has experience with the securely deploying
submersible data loggers in comparably dynamic riverine systems. I am
considering an approach in which the logger is attached to an erected metal
pole, which is rammed deeply into the river bed (e.g., 50 – 80 cm deep).
The logger would be attached to the pole downstream (e.g., with cable,
cable ties, or similar, and a back-up system, if possible). Do you think
this approach is feasible, or did you successfully apply different set-ups?

I highly appreciate your advice.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Best wishes,


 Claudia Pogoreutz, M.Sc.

PhD student

Senckenberg Research Institute

Department of River Ecology and Conservation

Clamecystraße 12

63571 Gelnhausen

Ph: +49-0170-3602210


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