What is your favorite ecology focused classroom, lecture hall or laboratory 

Want to share these resources with other educators and instructors?

We are offering two sessions ESA's Annual Meeting to share your education 

SS 6  - Resources for Ecology Education Fair and Share (REEFS) Special Session


*What is your favorite lesson to dispel misconceptions in undergraduate 
students' understanding of ecological concepts?

*What is your favorite ecology focused classroom, lecture hall or laboratory 

*Do you have a new idea for a learning activity, and would like feedback on 
best practices?

Session Format:


This session is designed to create or revise lesson plans or activities with a 
peer working group. Each lesson or idea will be presented by the author in a 
small group with up to 9 other participants. There will be time for each author 
to describe their lesson idea. Then discussions will follow to provide feedback 
and ideas regarding the core concepts addressed, methodology, misconceptions, 
assessment or educational extensions. Participants will circulate among 
presenters at 15 - 20 minute intervals. 

Session Time and Location:  Monday, August 5, 2013: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM

Anyone can attend this session, no prior registration needed.

Sign up to share your ecology education resource: 

Deadline to present: July 17th


WK 30 - Your Teaching Resource & ESA's EcoEd Digital Library


*What is your favorite ecology focused classroom, lecture hall or laboratory 

*Want to share this resources with other educators?

Session Description:


Join us to for a walkthrough of submitting a resource to EcoEd Digital Library, 
ESA's peer-reviewed online digital commons. Learn how the peer review process 
works. http://eco.confex.com/eco/2013/webprogrampreliminary/Session9039.html

Session Time: Monday, August 5, 2013: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM

Interested participants are asked to:

1) Complete this brief form: 

2) Review the EcoEdDL submission guidelines:



Questions? Contact:


Andrea McMillen, ESA Education Programs Coordinator, andrea[at]esa.org

ESA's EcoEd Digital Library (EcoEdDL) is a forum for scientists and educators 
to locate and contribute peer reviewed resources for 21st century undergraduate 
ecology education. http://ecoed.esa.org

Andrea McMillen
Education Programs Coordinator
Education and Diversity Programs Office

Ecological Society of America
1990 M Street, NW Suite 700
Washington DC  20036
202.833.8773 x 236
202.833.8775 Fax

ESA Office of Education and Diversity Programs<www.esa.org/education_diversity>
SEEDS - Diverse People for a Diverse Science<http://www.esa.org/seeds>
EcoEd Digital Library (beta)<http://esa.org/ecoed/index.php>  - Advancing 
Outstanding Ecology Education

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