Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce that the latest issue of Nature and Culture has
recently been published by Berghahn Journals. 
This issue covers a variety of topics. The first article defends the German
energy transition and argues that they have chosen an economically efficient
and forceful approach to securing a sustainable energy supply. Leduc and
Crate's article is concerned with the way in which indigenous place-based
knowledge and understandings, in a time of climate change, have the
potential to challenge researchers to self-reflexively shift the focus of
their research toward those technological and consumer practices that are
the cultural context of our research. Vicenzotti's article presents an
approach to mapping multivalent metaphors, that is, metaphors that imply
competing values. Kelly and Rule'sempirical study counters the claim that
Love and Kill are separate constructs in hunting, finding instead that
individual hunters often view their prey through a mixed lens that includes
both Love and Kill. The question posed in the final article is how shifts in
governance ushered in by the sustainability paradigm are reshaping knowledge
governance. The issue concludes with a Review Essay.
Please visit the Berghahn website for more information about the journal:

Volume 8, Number 2

Germany's Energy Transition Under Attack: Is There an Inscrutable German
Erik Gawel; Sebastian Strunz; Paul Lehmann

Reflexive Shifts in Climate Research and Education: Toward Relocalizing Our
Timothy B. Leduc; Susan A. Crate

Mapping Multivalent Metaphors: Analyzing the Wildnis Metaphor in the
Zwischenstadt Discourse in Terms of Political Worldviews
Vera Vicenzotti

The Hunt As Love and Kill: Hunter-Prey Relations in the Discourse of
Contemporary Hunting Magazines
Jennifer Rebecca Kelly; Stacy Rule

Converting Community Knowledge into Catchment Nutrient Limits: A
Constructivist Analysis of a New Zealand Collaborative Approach to Water
Ronlyn Duncan
Capitalism, Socialism, and the Environment
David L. Kelly

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Are you unable to access these articles through your library?  As a key
researcher in your field you can recommend Nature and Culture to your
library for subscription. A form for this purpose is provided on the Nature
and Culture website:

Free Sample Issue 
For a Free Sample Issue of Nature and Culture, please click here:

For additional information, including subscription details as well as
submission guidelines, visit

Please don't hesitate to contact me directly if you have questions or would
like more information. 
Kind regards, 

Young Lee
Berghahn Journals

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