Dear Colleagues,

  It is time to get together to exchange ideas about the latest developments in 
river restoration.  See you in San Francisco in a mere 5 months :)

EP023. Using Predictive Models to Inform River Management and Restoration

River management and restoration are complex endeavors blending universal 
concepts with local realities, yielding substantially uncertain eco-geomorphic 
outcomes. Predictive river models for baseline assessment, restoration design, 
and post-project evaluation are increasingly important tools in project 
workflows. Convergence of faster computers, improved model algorithms, and 
better mechanistic equations that account for dynamism and interdisciplinary 
integration has benefitted from a synergy with the emergence of near-census 
geospatial data and informatics. We seek theories, frameworks, and cases that 
range across disciplines and scales to showcase scientific highlights of 
model-facilitated efforts, including morphodynamic and ecohydraulic models, and 
address future frontiers.

Gregory Pasternack (University of California at Davis,
Alan Kasprak (Utah State UNiversity,

Abstract submission is now open (submission deadline 6 August 2013), and 
instructions for submission can be found here:

Information on the session can be found here:

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