Colleagues -
We cordially invite you to submit an abstract to an ecological scaling session 
- AGU 2013. Abstracts are due August 6. Abstracts covering temporal and/or 
spatial scaling (i.e. point to larger area), modeling, ground to remote sensing 
pixel are encouraged!  See you at AGU!
B062. Scaling Ecosystem Observations Through Space and Time
Conveners: Scott Ollinger (UNH/ NEON's observatory director), Stuart Phinn 
(TERN) and Michael Fitzgerald (NEON Aquatics).
Confirmed Invited speakers: Warren Cohen (OSU), Carol Kendall (USGS), Alfredo 
Huete (CSIRO/TERN), Thomas Hilker (OSU)

ABSTRACT: There is a need to monitor change in regional to global ecosystem 
integrity. Projects such as NEON (United States), and TERN (Australia) are 
established to provide consistent, long-term in situ and remote measurements of 
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. However, measurements may be spatially 
distributed across large areas presenting a challenge of interpolation between 
points and scaling between pixels for regional to global change analysis. This 
session will explore scaling methods to quantify spatio-temporal change over 
broad areas. Topics may include methods that: model ecosystem function using 
multi-scale data; scale between multi-resolution remote sensing pixels and 
scale in situ point measurements over broad areas.

Leah A. Wasser, Ph.D.
Remote Sensing Ecologist
Senior Science Educator - Universities
National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)

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