We are organizing a session on the fall meeting of the AGU that would be of 
interest to the soil science, biogeochemistry, geomorphology and  critical zone 
research networks: B061 - Role of Soil Erosion on Biogeochemical Cycling of 
Essential Elements

Lateral transport of topsoil by erosion is a primary control on the spatial 
distribution of essential elements in the terrestrial biosphere. Exciting 
advances in the understanding of multi-scale dynamics of specific elements have 
been assisted by the development of new tracing and monitoring technologies and 
modelling approaches.  Nevertheless, there still remain important gaps in our 
understanding of how erosion controls elemental cycles at different spatial and 
temporal scales, particularly the regional and global relevance of the 
stoichiometric relationships between different elements. We invite 
presentations from all fields in the geosciences: studies at timescales from 
short term to geological; spatial scales from microbe to globe; and, approaches 
from empirical to theoretical. Papers addressing multiple elements would be 
particularly welcome.

Our session will have the following invited speakers
Robert Stallard (US Geological Survey)
Stephen Porder (Brown University)
Bob Hilton (Durham University)
Sarah De Baetes (University of Exeter)

CONVENERS: Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Timothy Quine, Jennifer Dungait, Jereon 
CO-SPONSORING SECTION(S): Earth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP), Global 
Environmental Change (GC), Hydrology (H)
As part of the AGU soil-focused SWIRL at the 2013 Fall Meeting (Global 

We hope you are planning on attending AGU and that you will consider our 
If you have any questions in this regard, please feel free to contact me or any 
one of the other session conveners. 


Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Soil Biogeochemistry
School of Natural Sciences
University of California, Merced

Office phone: (209) 228-4712
Cell: (510) 967-7196
Fax: (209) 724-4459
E-mail: aabe...@ucmerced.edu
Web: http://faculty.ucmerced.edu/aaberhe

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