Hello, I am posting this on behalf of a colleague of mine. It as very 
interesting job opening in Costa Rica but that at certain moments of the 
year the job responsibilities can be filled from anywhere in the Americas. 


Andres S.


I hope this message finds you doing very well today. 

We are looking for a Program Coordinator for the NAPIRE program, to begin in 
September. I would appreciate any help you can offer in circulating this job 
advertisement, as the deadline for application is August 25th. If you or any 
of your contacts has any questions, please feel free to give them my contact 
information. Thank you!

Warm regards,

Coordinator of NAPIRE Program
(Native American and Pacific Islander Research Experience) 
Organization for Tropical Studies
The Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) is currently seeking applicants 
for a Program Coordinator to oversee the Native American and Pacific 
Islander Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NAPIRE) Program at the Las 
Cruces Biological Station in Costa Rica. The NAPIRE Program, beginning its 
ninth year in 2014, provides research opportunities for 20 students from the 
colleges and universities that are part of the Louis Stokes Alliances for 
Minority Participation. Each student works under the close supervision of a 
research mentor to complete an independent summer research project. The 
program also visits various indigenous communities throughout Costa Rica, 
and offers students introductory workshops in scientific research and 
statistics while visiting the La Selva Biological Station. More information 
about the program is available at ots.ac.cr/napire.
Successful applicants should be patient and self-motivated team players, as 
they will work closely with the NAPIRE Co-Coordinator, OTS Coordinator of 
Undergraduate Programs, OTS Education Director, 2 Teaching Assistants, and 
the NAPIRE mentors to design and implement the summer research program for a 
unique group of students. The NAPIRE Program Coordinator will oversee 
student recruitment and selection, continue work with NSF LSAMP program 
directors to hold workshops and design materials regarding best practices 
for mentoring and training students from Native American and Pacific 
Islander groups, and will be responsible for on-site supervision and 
coordination of program activities.
--Ph.D. in biology, ecology, conservation biology or a related field
--Professional experience in teaching field biology
--Professional experience in supervision of undergraduate field research
--Excellent communication and organizational skills
--Experience in teaching Native American and Pacific Island students
--Bilingual (Spanish/English)
--Native American and Pacific Island faculty are strongly encouraged to 
The position is a 1-year contract with an anticipated start date in 
September 2013. The position requires the coordinator to travel throughout 
the US and possibly to pacific islands for recruitment purposes at certain 
dates between September and November, and to be in Costa Rica for 1-week 
workshops in January and April and for the summer program from early June to 
early August. The remainder of the year, the responsibilities of the 
position can be filled from any location in the Americas. The contract is 
renewable each year, depending on funding and performance. Any questions 
about the program should be directed to undergradprogr...@ots.ac.cr.
Application deadline:                          August 25, 2013
Start Date:                               As soon as possible after August 
31, 2013
To apply: send CV, statement of teaching philosophy, statement of mentoring 
philosophy, statement of research interests, lists of references, and a 
cover letter describing your fit and interest in the position as a single 
document via the OTS website or to rec...@ots.ac.cr.

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