Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine invites
applications for multiple tenure track faculty positions in the Department
of Global Environmental Health Sciences at any level, with rank determined
by experience and accomplishments. 

Successful candidates or teams will expand the department’s role in research
and teaching across the continuum of basic-, clinical-, and population-based
environmental health sciences. Applicants should demonstrate strong interest
or experience in interdisciplinary environmental public health research and
teaching with respect to one or more of the following areas: water and
wetland resources, climate change, and environmental/environmental health
effects modeling. 

Candidates with expertise in environmental quality, management, and
sustainability of urban and rural riverine and coastal environments
including disciplinary themes in constructed wetlands, contaminated
sediments, environmental microbiology, seafood safety, ecotoxicology, and
spatial and temporal modeling among themes are encouraged to apply. 

High ranking candidates or teams would be those with a track record of
research and teaching in the fields outlined above and who demonstrate
expertise in developing a globally recognized, externally funded research
program. In addition to individual research and teaching requirements, the
candidate is expected to collaborate in research and teaching within the
Department of Global Environmental Health Sciences and other departments in
the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and Tulane University.
Applicants must possess a doctorate in environmental health sciences or
relevant field and demonstrate excellence in research and teaching at the
undergraduate and graduate levels.

Application review will begin immediately and continue until the positions
are filled. Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, research plan, and
contact information for five references to:

Jeffrey K. Wickliffe, Ph.D., Search Committee Chair
Department of Global Environmental Health Sciences
Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine 
1440 Canal Street, Suite 2100 
New Orleans, LA 70112-2704
Tel: 504-988-3910 

Tulane is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

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