Two Postdoctoral Openings in Disease Ecology and Amphibian Conservation

Creative and highly motivated candidates with strong track records of research productivity are invited to apply for two Postdoctoral Scientist positions. Each position will involve research at the intersection of disease ecology and amphibian conservation at the University of Colorado, Boulder, with a focus on one of two focal areas:

(1) Understanding the drivers of disease in multi-host, multi-pathogen communities, with a focus on the role of parasite coinfection (micro- and macroparasites) in mediating amphibian disease patterns in California aquatic communities.

(2) Analyzing a national dataset of amphibian malformations collected by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (10 years, 675 sites, >70,000 amphibians) to understand how malformation risk varies among species and across space, and to identify potential environmental drivers of observed patterns.

We are interested in individuals who can develop and execute innovative project ideas in either (or both) focal areas. The selected individuals will have a unique opportunity to spearhead analyses of extensive datasets already collected, participate in ongoing data collection, and design new projects. This is an exciting opportunity to join the rapidly growing disease ecology group at University of Colorado. For the first position, applicants must have a background in disease ecology/host–parasite interactions and ecological modeling; experience in eco-immunology and coinfection research is desirable. For the second position, interested applicants must have a background in landscape ecology, spatial epidemiology, and spatial analysis (including proficiency in ArcGIS), as well as experience in working with large databases (including proficiency in Microsoft Access). Prior experience with amphibians and parasites is not essential, but may be beneficial. Target start date is May 2014 and each position would be funded for 2 years. Interested applicants should send the following as a single pdf: complete CV, contact information for three references, and a brief (<3 pages) statement of research interests and ideas related specifically to these positions. Applications will be evaluated based on past research productivity, alignment of applicant experiences with the goals of the Johnson Lab, and the individual’s potential to grow as a productive, independent investigator. Address applications to Dr. Pieter Johnson (, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department, University of Colorado ( Please indicate which of the two positions is of primary interest. Applications will be accepted until November 15th or until the positions are filled.

Dana Calhoun MSc LVT
Laboratory Manager and Research Technician
EBIO University of Colorado Boulder
303-492-5623 (Phone)
303-492-8699 (Fax)

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