The Ecological Society of America, American Geophysical Union, and US 
Geological Survey are co-sponsors of the upcoming Soil Science Society of 
America ecosystems services conference--abstracts are now being invited and are 
due by 12/1/2013.

Purpose of Conference: 
Soils provide provisioning and regulating ecosystem services relevant to grand 
challenge areas of 1) climate change adaptation and mitigation, 2) food and 
energy security, 3) water protection, 4) biotechnology for human health, 5) 
ecological sustainability, and 6) slowing of desertification. The purposes of 
this conference will be to evaluate knowledge strengths and gaps, encourage 
cross-disciplinary synergies to accelerate new learning, and prioritize 
research needs.

More info is available here:

Nadine Lymn
ESA Director of Public Affairs
Washington DC  20036
(202) 833-8773 x205

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