Hi all, I'm hoping some out there can help me. I'm doing a biogeographic/population genetic study of the rotifer Habrotrocha rosa which is found in the pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea. Is there anyone in Coastal North Carolina that would be willing to collect some animals for me.
I just need fluid from the leaves, not the leaves themselves. I can send the instructions for aseptic collection, and will send a sampling kit if you need one. The coastal North Carolina region is a pivotal location for my study. Am willing to pay shipping if necessary. Thanks in advance, Liane ************************* Liane Cochran-Stafira, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Biological Sciences Saint Xavier University 3700 West 103rd Street Chicago, Illinois 60655 email: coch...@sxu.edu<mailto:coch...@sxu.edu> Phone: 773-298-3514 Fax: 773-298-3536 http://faculty.sxu.edu/~cochran/