Ph.D. Students Wanted!  Ecology and evolution of plants and plant-animal

My lab is broadly interested in the ecology and evolution of plants, often
focusing on plant-animal interactions such as herbivory, seed predation, and
seed dispersal.  We use a combination of field, greenhouse, phylogenetic,
experimental evolution, and molecular genetic approaches.  Students are
expected to develop their own independent projects, but will also have
opportunities to collaborate on NSF-funded investigations of hybridization
in wild sunflowers and the role of genetic diversity in invasions.  The lab
is also starting new projects in desert and alpine ecosystems at the
Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge and the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab. 
Students will be a part of a dynamic group of plant biology, ecology, and
evolution researchers at UNM.

For more info please contact me (and send along a CV):

Ken Whitney
Department of Biology
University of New Mexico

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