Graduate Student Position (PhD or MS):  Restoration of mixed-conifer forest 
in the Sierra Nevada of California

A Ph.D. or Master’s level graduate student position is available in the 
Applied Forest Ecology lab of Dr. Steve Chhin ( in the 
Department of Forestry ( at Michigan State University (MSU) 


The graduate student will help complete field and laboratory work for a 
forest restoration project conducted in the mixed-conifer forest of the 
Sierra Nevada region of California.  Prior to the policy of fire 
suppression in this region, forests were more open and contained lower 
stand density.  Fires historically burned more frequently than today and 
were predominantly understory fires.  Today, forests in this region have 
increased in the density of shade tolerant tree species.  The high density 
stands are considered a risk for large-scale, high intensity, stand 
replacement fires, especially in the context of future climate warming.  
Thinning treatments are needed to help restore these forests to their pre-
fire suppression state, and help reduce fire risk.  

The general objective of the project is to determine the effective 
intensity of mechanical thinning treatments to remove shade tolerant 
competitors and thereby promote the productivity and health of the 
remaining trees.  Prior to treatment application, dendrochronological 
analyses will be conducted to reconstruct historical forest stand dynamics 
which will also be related to the impact of past climate and disturbances.  
Post-treatment responses in physiological variables (e.g., photosynthesis, 
stable carbon isotopes), micro-environmental variables (e.g., temperature, 
precipitation, snowfall), and growth and stand development will also be 

Field work will be conducted in California while lab work and course work 
will be completed at MSU.  This position includes a tuition waiver and 
health benefits, and a competitive stipend (PhD stipend is currently ~ 
$24,500 and MS is ~ $22,000).  


Applicants for the PhD position should have completed a MS.  Applicants for 
the MS position should have completed a BS.  A completed degree in 
forestry, biology, ecology, environmental sciences, or a similarly related 
natural resource field is acceptable.  Preference will be given to 
applicants that are highly self-motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and 
have strong oral and written communication skills.  A background or strong 
interest in conducting field based research and working in a laboratory 
environment is desirable.  Applicants must enjoy working and living 
outdoors (e.g., camping) and possess a valid driver’s license.  A 
cumulative GPA greater than 3.0 in undergraduate and graduate coursework is 
preferred.  Short-listed candidates eventually will be asked to submit a 
writing sample.  The start date for this position is May 2013 (summer 
semester) but preference will be given to applicants who can start 1-2 
months earlier to assist with the field work planning.  

Application materials: 

Please submit: 1) cover letter, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) unofficial 
transcripts, 4) GRE scores, 5) contact information of three references, and 
6) TOEFL scores (for international applicants).  Please describe your 
career goals in the cover letter.  Applications will be considered 
immediately and continue until the position is filled.  To ensure full 
consideration for departmental and university fellowships, please e-mail 
your application material to Dr. Steve Chhin ( and also apply 
to the MSU Graduate School ( by December 1, 
2013; preference will be given to applicants who can meet this deadline.  
Otherwise, please submit your application by January 13, 2014.  

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Steve Chhin

Assistant Professor, Applied Forest Ecology

Department of Forestry

Michigan State University

Natural Resources Building

480 Wilson Road, Room 126

East Lansing, MI  48824

Tel: (517) 353-7251

Fax: (517) 432-1143



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