Forest Ecology Graduate Assistantship Available, University of Maine

I am seeking highly motivated graduate students (Masters or Doctoral) to
join my new lab at the University of Maine, Orono, where I am an Assistant
Professor in the School of Forest Resources (, as well
as Graduate Faculty member in the Ecology & Environmental Sciences program
( My research addresses how trees, forest
stands, and forested landscapes respond to various disturbances (wind,
insect outbreaks, fire) and stressors (drought, competition). I am also
interested in better understanding forest productivity and dynamics
(particularly carbon dynamics) within the context of changing climates. My
work often relies on dendrochronology (tree-ring) methods as a means of
characterizing tree growth responses.

The exact nature of the student’s research is flexible and likely to fall
within one of the following areas:   

1) Identifying previous management practices that have enhanced forest
resistance and resilience to past climate extremes and natural disturbances,
applying dendrochronology methods.

2) Estimating forest response to climate change over large spatial and
temporal scales using forest landscape simulation modelling.

3) Identifying the factors ‒ including climate/weather parameters ‒ 
best explain temporal variability in stand-level productivity and tree

4) Improving carbon accounting methods, particularly regarding carbon flux
from decaying deadwood. 

5) Improving our understanding of natural disturbances, as well as the
forest structural development that follows disturbance. 

The ideal candidate would have strong field and laboratory skills, solid
quantitative experience/aptitude, a demonstrated ability to conduct
independent research, and excellent interpersonal skills. Funding
opportunities are available for a graduate Research Assistantship, which
would include a year-round monthly stipend, full tuition remission, and a
portion of the health insurance fee. If interested, please send a CV
attached to a message briefly explaining your background and research
interests to The start date is flexible and will be
open until filled.

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