The Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) is
the largest freshwater ecology institute in Germany ( It
is a member of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB), the Leibniz
Association (, and the recently founded
Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research
(  Joint professorships link IGB to all three universities in
Berlin as well as to the University of Potsdam. IGB offers excellent
laboratory and field facilities for interdisciplinary research, large-scale
experimental facilities, and long-term research programs and data sets.
Applications are invited for 

Three positions in Aquatic Ecology -- 
1 Science Coordinator, 1 Postdoc and 1 PhD student,

to strengthen ongoing research on global-change impacts on lake ecosystems,
primarily in a newly built experimental field facility (
All positions are based at the Department of Experimental Limnology located
on the shore of Lake Stechlin 80 km north of Berlin.

The specific areas of expertise of the applicants are open, but we are
particularly interested in ecological modelers and plankton community and
ecosystems ecologists. Topics of special interest include food-web and
biogeochemical modeling, phytoplankton community dynamics, ecological
stoichiometry, ecosystem processes, and food-web dynamics.

Successful candidates hold a doctoral degree or, for the PhD position, an
MSc degree or equivalent in ecology, environmental science or a related
field. A strong publication record, advanced numerical skills, expertise on
aquatic communities or ecosystems, and experience with mesocosm experiments
are strong assets. Proficiency in German is not required.

Salaries are according to the standard rates of German federal government
employees (TVOeD). Contracts are initially for 2 years but prolongation is
envisaged, depending on performance. Funding for the positions is available
for at least 3 (PhD student) or 2.5 years. 

Please submit a complete curriculum vitae, including a list of publications,
a motivation letter and statements of past and future research interests,
copies of up to three publications, and the names and contact information of
three referees. All application documents should be assembled in a single
PDF file and sent to Ms. Edith Tesch at by 30
November 2013. Please state in your covering letter which positions you
apply for. 

Review of the applications will begin immediately and will continue until
the positions have been filled. A symposium and interviews of shortlisted
candidates will take place in mid-December, most likely on the 16th and 17th. 

For further enquiries, please contact Dr. Mark Gessner at The IGB and FVB are equal opportunity employers and
specifically welcome applications by female scientists. Preference will be
given to applicants with disabilities when qualifications are equivalent.

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