PhD and Masters Positions Available beginning Fall 2014: 

 PhD and Masters student positions are available for full-time students 
interested in studying the 
evolutionary and ecological processes that lead to speciation in plants. The 
candidates will work 
with Dr. Noland Martin on National Science Foundation - funded projects 
examining speciation / 
reproductive isolation in Louisiana Iris, as well as conservation-oriented 
projects examining the 
origin (and continued persistence) of the endangered homoploid hybrid species 
Iris nelsonii 
(funded by the Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries). Research areas may 
include QTL mapping 
projects that examine the genetic architecture of reproductive barriers in 
Louisiana Iris, 
experiments examining pollinator and ecological isolation, and admixture 
mapping in natural 
hybrid zones. In addition, the student will be required to develop and execute 
research projects (with guidance / assistance from Dr. Martin) to complete the 
requirements. The positions start as early as September 2014. 

Student funding for this project is augmented by a renewable 9-month research / 
assistantship at ~ $30,000 plus benefits for PhD-level students with the 
potential for an 
augmented 3-month summer salary should the student be performing satisfactory 
work and 
external funds remain available.  

Texas State University - Dept. of Biology offers a strong environment in 
population ecology, 
population biology, wildlife, and conservation biology. Candidates are invited 
to apply to the PhD 
program in Aquatic Resources 
Resources.html) - a multidisciplinary degree-program that accommodates a wide 
variety of basic 
and applied interests in Biology or any number of Masters programs including a 
MS in Population 
and Conservation Biology. (

  Qualifications: Requirements include an interest in evolutionary biology, a 
valid drivers license, 
and the physical ability to traverse rugged swamp terrain. PhD candidates must 
have a 
demonstrated academic writing ability.  Interested persons should contact 
Noland Martin by e-mail 
( To apply, please send a statement of interest, a CV, GPA, 
and GRE scores to Reference letters will be solicited at a later date. 
Deadline: Jan 15 or until 
positions are filled. Applications will be reviewed as they come in. A more 
detailed description of 
the research program and further information about our team's research are 
available by e-mailing 
or calling Noland Martin as well. Pdf reprints of recent lab publications can 
be found on the 
following website:  

Noland H. Martin 
Texas State University 

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