A post-doctoral associate position is available in the Casteel lab at
UCDavis, starting in August 2014.

The primary research goal of the Casteel lab is to identify the functions
of microbes in plant-insect interactions and elucidate the key molecular
mechanisms responsible for these relationships. The focus of this position
in the lab is on the molecular genetics of plant signaling and defense in
response to insect vectors and the viral pathogens they transmit. We use a
combination of molecular biology, genetics, genomics and biochemistry
together with field and laboratory trials to elucidate molecular mechanisms
underlying ecologically important relationships.  For more detail see:

Applicants for the post-doctoral position should be within 3 years of their
PhD. I am particularly interested in students with experience/or strong
interest in bioinformatics, protein-protein interactions, ecology and/or

Questions about these positions should be directed to Dr. Casteel. To apply
please send a brief description of your interests, your CV and have three
reference letters sent to ccast...@ucdavis.edu. Informal inquiries are also

The application deadline for the post-doctoral position is April 1st 2014.

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