Postdoctoral Fellowship in Bioinformatics and Environmental Metagenomics

Dr. Jude Maul
USDA-Agricultural Research Service
Sustainable Agriculture Systems Lab
Beltsville, MD 20507

Dr. Stephanie Yarwood
University of Maryland
Department of Environmental Science and Technology (ENST)       
College Park, MD 20742        

A collaborative postdoctoral training position is available, offered jointly by 
the Department of 
Environmental Science and Technology (ENST) University of Maryland at College 
Park and the USDA-
Agricultural Research Service Sustainable Agriculture Systems Lab located on 
the 8000 acre USDA 
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in suburban Washington DC.  A 
metagenomic approach will be 
employed to assess the soil microbial community structure and function in bulk 
and rhizosphere 
soils in both conventional and organic farming systems. The successful 
candidate will be fluent with 
advanced bioinformatics approaches to soil environmental metagenomic and 
microbial community 
analysis.  Specific experience with computational tools such as; QUIIME, R, 
MG-RAST, Uni-frac, bio-
conductor etc. Primary responsibilities will include examining plant microbe 
interactions in the 
soil/rhizosphere environment in a long-term farming systems study site. The 
successful candidate 
will be the lead scientist in charge of bioinformatics and integration of 
microbial metagenomic and 
environmental meta-data This experiment is part of a data rich long-term 
agricultural research site 
with many nested treatments available for bioinformatics analysis. There will 
be many opportunities 
for the candidate to participate in additional on-going projects of interest to 
the candidate.

The labs sponsoring this position are generally interested in environmental 
microbial ecology and 
interactions between below ground ecology and ecosystem functionality.  We 
engage in a variety of 
research themes that link the research areas of biogeochemistry, agroecology, 
sustainability and plant microbe interaction.

Candidates should have or be close to obtaining a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in 
computational biology, computer science, molecular biology, or a closely 
related field. Candidates 
with a background in soil microbial ecology, metagenomics and plant microbe 
interactions are 
especially encouraged to apply. Programming skills and experience in the 
application of 
computational methods to genomic data are highly desirable. Applicants must 
possess good 
communication skills and be fluent in both spoken and written English. The 
ability to learn how to 
use new software and quickly become expert in its use, critical thinking, 
problem-solving abilities, 
and the ability to work semi-independently are required.

The funding for this position is stable for three years and offers the 
scientist wide latitude in the 
design and pursuit of their research project. The successful candidate will 
have access to collaborate 
with USDA’s Bovine Functional Genomics bioinformatics core facility (illumina, 
bioanalizer,) as well as 
an in-house Roche 454 sequencer.

Interested applications should email Dr. Jude Maul ( or 
Dr. Stephanie 
Yarwood ( with a current CV, a brief statement of interest, 
and the names and 
contact info for three references. We will start evaluating January 31. 

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