The Department of Watershed Sciences (WATS) at Utah State University will award 
1 - 2 Ph.D. Fellowships for students that wish to start PhD 
studies beginning Summer or Fall of 2014. Fellowships include 4 years of 
support at $20,000 per year, tuition, and research expenses. 
Areas of faculty expertise in Watershed Sciences include climate modeling, 
conservation and restoration science, fisheries ecology, 
geomorphology, hydrology, limnology, stream ecology, water quality, and wetland 
ecology. The Department is especially interested in 
attracting strong applicants interested in interdisciplinary aspects of water 
science and from groups that are underrepresented in the 

Review of Fellowship applications will be based on both the strength of the 
student’s background (previous coursework, GRE scores, 
previous research experience, letters of recommendation) and sponsorship by a 
WATS faculty advisor. Students interested in this 
opportunity should contact potential faculty sponsors soon 
( As part of the application, the faculty sponsor must 
document how the applicant will fit into and contribute to the professor’s 
research program.

Faculty advisors must submit completed applications by 24 January 2014 for 
students to be guaranteed consideration. A complete 
application will include: 1) a letter of interest from the student applicant, 
2) a letter of support from the faculty sponsor, 3) a current resume 
from the student applicant, and 4) a completed graduate school application (to 
be completed by the student). 

For general information regarding the Department of Watershed Sciences, the 
Quinney College of Natural Resources, and Departmental 
fellowships, contact Chuck Hawkins (, Interim Head of 
Watershed Sciences.

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