Johnson Laboratory, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of 
Colorado, Boulder

Position 1: Laboratory Research Technician
The Johnson Laboratory is accepting 3-4 qualified laboratory research 
technicians to assist in the laboratory at the world recognized University 
of Colorado located in scenic Boulder beginning in May and concluding in 
August 2014. The primary responsibilities of these individuals will be to 
perform necropsies on a wide range of amphibian, fish and bird species to 
identify and quantify macro-parasite infections. This will include (i) 
isolation of macro-parasites for molecular and morphological vouchers (ii) 
and use of microscopic photography techniques to identify and document in 
situ and isolated macro-parasites. In addition these individuals will be 
expected to assist with daily management of the laboratory and to assist 
with laboratory experiments. Potential applicants should expect long hours 
at a microscope. Prior experience with animal necropsy, parasite 
identification, and laboratory experimentation are required.  Salary will 
depend on experience and housing will not be provided, however it is easy 
to find a summer sublease near campus. 

Position 2: California Field Technician
The Johnson Laboratory is accepting 3-4 qualified field crew technicians to 
assist in the field sampling season in beautiful Bay Area California 
beginning in May and concluding in August 2014. The primary 
responsibilities of these individuals will be to perform an in-depth field 
sampling protocol focusing on amphibians, fish and invertebrates within 
pond systems. This will include (i) macro and micro identification of 
amphibians, fish, invertebrates, and parasites (ii) performing field 
sampling techniques such as but not limited to: dipnet, seine, visual 
survey, Bd swabbing, and fishing (iii) and necropsy snail for parasite 
isolation. In addition these individuals will be expected to assist with 
daily record keeping and equipment maintenance.  Potential applicants 
should expect long hours in challenging field conditions. Prior field 
experience with field sampling and snail parasites identification are 
required. A valid Driver’s license is also required. Lodging will be 
provided at Blue Oak Ranch Reserve (  
Camping is required for this position however there is access to an indoor 
bathroom including a hot shower, a full kitchen, and internet. Salary will 
depend on experience.

To apply for either Position 1 (Laboratory Research Technician) or Position 
2 (California Field Technician) send an application package that should 
include (i) a cover letter that states the position you are applying for, 
previous professional experiences, and why you would like to work for the 
Johnson Laboratory (ii) a current CV (iii) contact information for three 
professional references (include email and phone number and (iiii) and 
potential start date.  Please send compile the application package into a 
PDF (one document) and email to with the position 
number in the subject line by March 3rd, 2013. Candidates who do not follow 
the application requirements or apply after March 3rd will not be 

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