*Desired start date:*spring or early summer 2014

*Duration:*2-2.5 years

*Salary:*$41,329.60/year plus benefits

*Location:*University of Alaska Fairbanks (Prugh lab), with fieldwork in California

*Position Description*

We seek a postdoctoral researcher to work with a team of researchers examining plant-animal community interactions and responses to climate change in a California grassland. As the number of threatened species increases, wildlife managers increasingly face the risk of inadvertently harming some species when taking action to conserve others. Our study is located in the Carrizo Plain National Monument, a hotspot of endangerment that faces threats from invasive plants and climate change. The goal of our project is to gain a better understanding of direct and indirect interactions among endangered and invasive species. Our ultimate aim is to improve the ability of managers to predict how climate change and actions such as cattle grazing will ripple through the food web and impact community structure and function.

The postdoc will be based in the Prugh lab at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and will also work closely with Justin Brashares at UC Berkeley and Katie Suding at the University of Colorado Boulder. The primary role of the postdoc will be to lead data analysis and manuscript preparation using 7 years of existing data from our ongoing study. Existing data include: plant biomass and composition; small mammal mark-recapture data; invertebrate biomass and composition from pitfall traps; distance surveys of reptiles, lagomorphs, and foxes; bird point counts; soil and climate data; and cattle grazing intensity. The primary focus of the study is on the role of a keystone burrowing rodent, the giant kangaroo rat (/Dipodomys ingens/) in this community, with an emphasis on understanding their trophic and engineering effects on plants and invertebrates. For more information, please visit http://www.carrizoscience.org/cpep/.

In addition to working with existing data, the postdoc will have the opportunity to assist with the initiation of a new NSF-funded field experiment adding precipitation manipulations to our existing experimental framework. A project manager will oversee logistical operations at the field site, but the postdoc will be encouraged to spend time in the field each year assisting with surveys and gaining hands-on experience in the study system. The postdoc will also have the opportunity to spend time in the Brashares and Suding labs if desired.

*Requirements: *A PhD in ecology or related field by late spring or early summer 2014 is highly preferred. Applicants must have a demonstrated record of publication in peer-reviewed journals, including at least one first-author publication. Strong writing skills are required. Experience analyzing plant, invertebrate, or small mammal data are especially desired. Experience using program R, running mixed effects models, working with multivariate data, and/or using Bayesian analyses are desired.

*To apply:* Please send a cover letter, cv, and 3 letters of reference to Laura Prugh (lpr...@alaska.edu <mailto:lpr...@alaska.edu>). Review of applications will begin February 15th. Position is open until filled.

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