I am looking for a motived undergraduate intern who wishes to specialize in 
science writing, public relations, or education to spend a summer working at 
the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. The intern will work 2 – 3 days 
a week on a project examining the effect of temperature on plant-herbivore 
interactions, specifically the induction of plant defenses against herbivores 
at various temperatures. The rest of the time, the intern will use social media 
to build an online outreach presence geared at educating the general public 
about the scientific process from hypothesis to results. The intern will be 
expected to make use of various social media platforms, including Twitter, 
Facebook, and blogs. Website design is a plus. The intern will be expected to 
post regular updates and contribute posts to other popular science websites, 
including the Smithsonian Shorelines blog (http://sercblog.si.edu/) and the 
possible writing of press releases. Ultimately, the intern will be expected to 
contribute an op-ed piece to a major regional newspaper, such as the NY Times, 
Washington Post, Huffington Post, or Wall Street Journal. The topic of the 
op-ed will be determined towards the end of the program.

This internship is designed to provide hands-on scientific training for 
students with an interest in becoming science writers, educators, or public 
relations specialists. This internship will allow students to be competitive 
applicants for other prestigious journalism internships, such as The 
Economists’ Richard Casement internship program for aspiring science writers 
(http://www.economist.com/node/21543144). The ideal candidate will be 
journalism, education, or communications major in their junior or senior year 
with strong interests in biology and conservation. A stipend will be provided 
to cover cost of living. On site-housing may be available, but is not 

Please email all applications, including a statement of interest and CV/resume, 
to Nathan Lemoine at nlemo...@fiu.edu no later than March 1st, 2014.

Nate Lemoine

PhD. Candidate - Florida International University

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