Call for Abstracts

Special Session: Eco-evolutionary dynamics in aquatic ecosystems

Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM) 2014, May 18-23, Portland, Oregon

Eric Palkovacs, University of California-Santa Cruz (
Michael Kinnison, University of Maine (

Abstract submission deadline is February 7, 2014.

Recent work shows that ecological and evolutionary processes can interact on 
contemporary time scales, leading to eco-evolutionary dynamics. Eco-
evolutionary dynamics and related concepts such as niche construction and 
community and ecosystem genetics have become major synthesis areas in 
ecology and evolutionary biology. Scientists working in aquatic systems have 
played a leading role in developing and testing eco-evolutionary theories, 
in part because studies of aquatic organism provide many of the premiere 
examples of contemporary evolution, local adaptation, and evolution due to 
human disturbance. The ecological effects of such evolution have been 
studied at all ecological scales, from population dynamics to ecosystems. 
This special session brings together researchers who have investigated eco-
evolutionary dynamics from different perspectives, using different 
approaches, and in diverse aquatic study systems. The lineup of speakers 
will address the causes of contemporary evolution in aquatic ecosystems, the 
consequences of evolution for ecological dynamics, and the applications of 
eco-evolutionary dynamics for conservation and resource management. The goal 
of this special session is to highlight the already rapid development of the 
field and stimulate new ideas for integrative research and applications.

•Presentations will be 15 minutes (12 min with time for questions).
•All presenters must register for the meeting
•Only one abstract is permitted per first author, with exceptions made for 
second submissions to one of the designated education sessions. 
•Please submit abstracts through the JASM 2014 conference website 
( and identify this Special Session as your 
preference. Please e-mail the session organizers if you have any questions 
or special considerations.
•The STRICT deadline for abstract submission is 23:59 U.S. Central Standard 
Time on 7 February 2014. 

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