I'll just add one more ecology-related project to the list:

Can Genetic Diversity Preserve a Friendship?. Shannon Bayliss, California
State University, Northridge.


*Symbiodinium* is algae that reproduces in as little as 24 hours; 10,000
times faster than the average American woman! They also play crucial roles
in the health of coral reefs, as they form mutualisms with reef organisms.
I will examine how diverse communities of *Symbiodinium *can rapidly evolve
in response to increased nutrients. Evolution of one partner could be key
to the survival of the mutualism and to the persistence of a healthy

Casey terHorst
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
California State University, Northridge
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8303
Office Phone: (818) 677-3352

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 9:08 AM, David Shiffman <david.shiff...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello, everyone!
> The 4th SciFund Challenge, a crowd-funding event for scientific research,
> launched today! It's like KickStarter for science, and there are several
> ecology projects included. Please consider donating (any amount helps and
> some projects have rewards associated with different donation levels), or
> helping to spread the word!
> My project is  "what are the feeding habits of threatened shark species?"
> https://experiment.com/projects/what-are-the-feeding-habits-of-threatened-sharks
> I will be using stable isotope analysis to study the feeding ecology of
> coastal sharks species here in South Florida, data that will help managers
> to conserve threatened species.
> Other projects of potentially interest to ecologgers include:
> 1)  Signs of Change: creating time-lapse movies of environmental change
> using crowd-sourced digital photography. Chuck Cannon, Texas Tech
> https://experiment.com/projects/signs-of-change-documenting-environmental-change-using-crowd-sourced-time-lapse-photography
> Almost everyone carries a smart phone or digital camera these days. This
> project will develop a simple method of placing a sign at an
> environmentally interesting site so that together we can document and
> monitor changes in our landscape and its seasonality.
> 2) Can we predict how social primates move?. David Pappano, Princeton.
> https://experiment.com/projects/can-we-predict-how-social-primates-move
> This project uses dynamic network algorithms and geospatial data to
> understand association and movement patterns in geladas. Geladas are an Old
> World monkey that has a highly modular social system with strong
> fission-fusion dynamics.
> 3) What's in that new TV Screen? Toward "greener" OLED's. Walter Weare, NC
> State
> https://experiment.com/projects/what-s-in-that-new-tv-screen-toward-greener-oled-s-at-nc-state-chemistry
> Organic LED's are the future of more environmentally friendly displays and
> lighting. We are developing new and more sustainable methods for making the
> light emitting materials in these future devices. With your help we can
> speed these discoveries!
> 5) Where is pollution entering the Chesapeake Bay? Claire Regan, Penn State
> University
> https://www.experiment.com/projects/where-is-pollution-entering-the-chesapeake-bay-watershed
> By identifying the pollution hotspots of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, the
> three most important stressors can be targeted together for management.
> 6) In the bedroom with Giant Sea Bass: Investigating mating behavior of an
> endangered megacarnivore. Brian Clark, California State University
> https://experiment.com/projects/in-the-bedroom-with-giant-sea-bass-investigating-mating-behavior-of-an-endangered-megacarnivore
> Reproductive strategies lay the foundation for an organism's success.
> Understanding these strategies and behavior of Giant Sea Bass is vital in
> the preservation of this endangered species.
> 7) Can Fungi restore the American Chestnut? Andrew Tomes, SUNY.
> https://experiment.com/projects/can-fungi-help-us-restore-the-american-chestnut
> Mycorrhizae are soil fungi that form crucial partnerships with many land
> plants. Investigating the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on American
> chestnut will lead to cultivation strategies that could help restore this
> formerly prominent North American tree species.
> 8) Searching for Seahorses and Sustainability. Lindsay Aylesworth,
> University of British Columbia.
> https://experiment.com/projects/searching-for-seahorses-sustainability
> How do you study the distribution and habitat preferences of a species that
> is hard to find? Check out the latest research on seahorses  to find out.
> 9) Using Genetic Techniques to Protect Fiji's Fisheries. Erin Eastwood,
> Columbia University.
> https://experiment.com/projects/using-genetic-techniques-to-protect-fiji-s-fisheries
> Subsistence fisheries are extremely important to rural communities in Fiji.
> However, as many reef fishermen switch from eating their catch to selling
> the majority of it for profit, fishing pressures exerted on typically
> targeted fishes are increasing dramatically. My study will use genetic
> markers to uncover the dispersal patterns of five of these important
> species throughout the islands of Fiji, to help determine how to best
> protect these valuable fish stocks.
> 10) A Pacific Northwest Clamtastrophe! Brian Turner, Portland State
> University
> https://experiment.com/projects/a-pacific-northwest-clamtastrophe
> Do non-native species recognize predators in their new habitats? Find out
> how the introduced varnish clam responds to the voracious Dungeness crab
> and if this behavior helps it survive.
> 11) How can NGOs guide fisheries to ecological sustainability? Laura
> Deighan, University of Washington
> https://experiment.com/projects/how-can-ngos-guide-fisheries-to-ecological-sustainability
> Fishery improvement projects, or FIPs, have recently emerged as a way for
> stakeholders to be involved in improving sustainability within fisheries.
> Understanding how a FIP in the Gulf of Mexico reef fish fishery is
> utilizing guidelines for FIPs credibly moving towards sustainability will
> start to provide insight into this new tool for sustainability.
> 12) Discovering Backyard Biodiversity in South Dakota. Amanda Bachmann,
> South Dakota State University.
> https://experiment.com/projects/discovering-backyard-biodiversity-in-south-dakota
> How can we improve conditions for pollinating insects if we don't know
> who's out there? My project uses citizen science to monitor pollinator and
> beneficial insect activity in South Dakota backyards to increase
> understanding and awareness of these insects in the state.
> A list of all the SciFund projects can be found here:
> https://experiment.com/institutions/scifund
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Sincerely,
> --
> *David Shiffman*
> *Ph.D. Student, Research Assistant,*
> Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy <http://www.cesp.miami.edu/>
> R.J. Dunlap Marine Conservation Program <http://rjd.miami.edu/>
> [image: RJD]
> *e: *david.shiff...@gmail.com | *p: *412.915.2309
> *a: *4600 Rickenbacker Cswy, Miami, Florida, 33149
> *t: *@WhySharksMatter <http://twitter.com/#!/WhySharksMatter> | *b:
> *Southern
> Fried Science Blog <http://www.southernfriedscience.com/>

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