This time of year, I scan ECOLOG for summer opportunities for students I
mentor. However, I end up having to discard many excellent programs,
including the majority of REU positions, because they start a week or more
before spring quarter ends at UCLA.

The quarter system isn't that rare. For example, all University of
California campuses other than Berkeley and Merced run on it. (I personally
prefer semesters, but quarters are what we've got.)

While some longer programs may require a may or early June start date,
those lasting 8 or fewer weeks should be able to run from mid-June to
August, allowing students on both quarter and semester systems to
participate. I therefore issue a plea for program scheduling that considers
the needs of students on the quarter system!

Jane Shevtsov, Ph.D.
Mathematical Biology Curriculum Writer, UCLA

"Those who say it cannot be done should not interfere with those who are
doing it." --attributed to Robert Heinlein, George Bernard Shaw and others

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