DEADLINE: February 21, 2014

Would you like to be a member of a platform to improve the role of science
in international policy decisions?

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
(IPBES; is a global program intended to strengthen the role
of science in decision-making related to the conservation and sustainable
management of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Biodiversity
& Ecosystem Services panel is designed to supply the best available science
to governments and decision makers worldwide in a time of rapid global
change. IPBES is, however, an independent program with both a broader scope
and a stronger emphasis on local and regional assessments and strategies.

To promote this science-policy interface, IPBES is seeking scientists for
expert groups. The U.S. government and IPBES welcome contributions from a
broad multidisciplinary community of natural and social scientists.

ESA invites the leadership of professional societies, nongovernmental
organizations, and other groups to send nominations to our Office of Science
Programs, where they will be collated and forwarded to U.S. government
representatives to IPBES.

Expert areas include:

-- Pollination and food production
-- Production and integration of assessments
-- Scenario analysis and modeling of biodiversity & ecosystem services
-- Methods for valuing biodiversity and nature’s benefits to people
-- A catalog of policy support tools and methodologies

Find more information, including more details on the expert groups and the
application form, here:

DEADLINE: February 21, 2014

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