All -- Please see our new article, "An environmental oestrogen disrupts fish
population dynamics through direct and transgenerational effects on survival
and fecundity" in J. Appl. Ecol. 

The link to the article and the Abstract are below.


1. Increased need for water and projected declines in precipitation due to
climate change could leave waterways increasingly dominated by wastewater
effluent. Understanding how components of wastewater influence fish
populations is necessary for effective conservation and management. Despite
research demonstrating effects of oestrogens, such as 17α-ethynylestradiol
(EE2), on fish physiology and population failure the generality of
population responses are uncertain and the underlying mechanisms affecting
population declines are unknown. EE2 is the steroid oestrogen in human
contraceptive pills and has been measured up to 11 ng L−1 in the 

2. We identify disrupted population dynamics due to direct and
transgenerational effects on survival and fecundity. We conducted a
year-long study on three generations of fathead minnows in aquatic mesocosms
and laboratory aquaria. We added environmentally relevant concentrations of
EE2 daily using a static renewal, which approximates a pulsed exposure that
fish experience in natural systems.

3. EE2 (3.2 ng L−1) reduced F0 male survival to 17% (48% lower than
controls) and juvenile production by 40% compared to controls. F1 fish
continuously exposed to EE2 failed to reproduce and reproduction of the F1
transferred to clean water was 70–99% less than controls.

4. F2 larval survival, exposed only as germ cells in their parents, was
reduced by 51–97% compared to controls. The indirect effect on F2 survival
suggests the possibility of transgenerational effects of EE2.

5. Synthesis and applications. Our results suggest that fish populations
exposed to environmentally relevant 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2)
concentrations may not recover from exposure. Management of short-lived
highly fecund fishes should be prioritized to protect fish from the embryo
through to gonadal differentiation. Reducing effluent will not be possible
in many situations; hence conservation of breeding and rearing habitat in
unpolluted tributaries or reaches is needed. Additionally, resource managers
could enhance habitat connectivity in rivers to facilitate immigration.
Finally, investment in advanced wastewater processing technology should
improve removal of bioactive chemicals such as EE2. Our results provide a
baseline for regulatory agencies to consider when assessing the ecological
effects of environmental oestrogens and our approach to evaluating
population-level effects could be widely applied to other contaminants.

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