NCEAS has issued a special Call for Proposals for long-term synthesis for the Gulf of Alaska on March 5, 2014

NCEAS seeks**proposals for*Working Groups *and*Postdoctoral Associates *to conduct synthesis research and analysis for the Gulf of Alaska. Newly integrated historical data is now available from a quarter century of monitoring studies on physical and biological systems impacted by the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Please consider submitting a proposal or helping us to circulate this call broadly. Thank you-

Announcement: NCEAS issues special Call for Proposals for the Gulf of Alaska long-term synthesis <> (

Call for Proposals <>. **(

Proposals are due by *May 1, 2014. *

LeeAnne French
Associate Director Communication and Outreach
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)  <>
805-892-2529  <tel:805-892-2529>

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