RESEARCH TECHNICIAN POSITION: Great Lakes HAB Cyanobacteria-Microbe-Virus 

A full-time (12 month) technician position is available in the Ecology and 
Evolutionary Biology Dept at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI, with 
core conceptual focus on harmful algal bloom cyanobacteria-microbe-virus 
interactions, using field-based sampling and analysis approaches. Immediate 
responsibilities will include: weekly ship-based sampling operations on the 
Great Lakes during late spring and early fall, specialized methods for 
environmental virology and microbiology (fluorescent/electron microscopy, 
DNA/RNA extractions, 16S and metagenome library prep, host and virus isolation, 
field-based water filtration), maintenance of microbial cultures and long-term 
host virus experiments. Provides assistance in analyzing computational data 
based on established objectives. General lab maintenance and safety-ordering, 
inventory, organization, and glassware. Supervise the day-to-day activities of 
temporary hourly and undergraduate students in the lab, in support of ongoing 
experiments. The candidate should have a BA or BS in biology, microbiology, 
environmental science, or bioinformatics, previous experience performing 
research in a wet lab, the ability to work well in a group, and the willingness 
to supervise undergraduates. Experience with field sampling, particularly in 
aquatic environments, basic molecular / microbial techniques, such as DNA 
extractions, CPR, culturing (sterile technique), plaque assays, as well as 
exposure to microbial sequence analysis (e.g., 16S tag sequencing, al la 
Mothur/QIIME) ideal. Technician will work jointly between the Denef 
( and Duhaime 
( labs. Candidates can apply to this 
position using the following link 
( and are 
welcome to email Melissa or Vincent with 
questions. Review of applications will begin April 2014 and continue until a 
suitable candidate is found. Salary is commensurate with experience and 
includes benefits. The position is available for 1 year. The University of 
Michigan is an equal opportunity employer.

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