University of Illinois, Illinois Natural History Survey, Illinois River 
Biological Station, Havana IL

Responsibilities:  Use a 20-40 year database on large river community 
composition abundance, and biomass to assess; 1) the comparability fish 
sampling methods (i.e. gear types and /or stratified random vs fixed site 
sampling), 2) assess spatial or temporal patterns and trends in abundance, 
biomass, or condition among species and between habitats over multiple 
years, and/or 3) candidate driven questions. Advanced analysis and peer-
reviewed publication is a primary expectation.

Qualifications:  Applicants must clearly demonstrate ability with current 
quantitative/statistical techniques (i.e., multivariate, time series 
analysis, Bayesian, or similar) and tools (e.g., R, SAS, GIS etc.). Must 
have obtained Ph.D. by the date of hire but be no more than five years since 

Salary: 38-44,000/yr + benefits, conference support 
Ad Closing Date: April 25, 2014 until a suitable candidate is identified.

Weblink:  Full description and instructions 

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