Dear Colleagues -

I want to draw your attention to the following job opening, which would be a 
wonderful postdoc opportunity for new PhDs with a background in ecology, earth 
system science, education, or computer science, and strong interest in citizen 
science, education and outreach, and the impacts of climate change on 
terrestrial vegetation.

The successful applicant will be based in Boulder, at NEON headquarters, but 
will work closely with me and a postdoc in my lab.  The position is available 
immediately, and applications are being reviewed as they are received. For more 
information about the PhenoCam network, please see

If you have any questions, please contact Sandra Henderson 
<<>> or Andrew Richardson 

Please feel free to re-post this notice on appropriate listservs and jobs 
boards, and share with potentially interested colleagues.


Associate Scientist, Project BudBurst: National Ecological Observatory Network 
(NEON) Project BudBurst (PBB) staff and researchers from the Richardson Lab at 
Harvard University are collaborating on a new approach to engage citizen 
scientists in ecological research that will result in the large-scale 
categorization and/or annotation of remotely sensed phenological imagery from 
the PhenoCam network. Part of the proposed effort will include the development 
of instructional materials and technical resources to enable volunteers to 
participate easily. The Associate Scientist develops significant portions of a 
new website and supporting educational materials that will include tutorials 
and modules. Modules should be designed to engage diverse audiences in the 
categorization and/or annotation of PhenoCam images, and to support the 
submission of additional plant phenology images via mobile devices. 
Specifically, the Associate Scientist will develop appropriate web-based 
technologies, applications, and interfaces to support the development of 
modules and tutorials for use in a pilot project designed to engage citizen 
scientists in the classification of remotely sensed imagery. This Boulder, CO 
based position will work in conjunction with NEON EDU and Public Engagement 
staff and will work collaboratively with a post-doc at Harvard University. For 
details see the full job ad (

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