Dear friends and colleagues,                 [~Para Español, ver enlace al 

This message is to share some news about a book, Selvas Tropicales, authored by 
Rhett Butler, Jenny 
Jacobs, and myself.  The book is written in Spanish and provides an overview 
about tropical 
rainforests, why they are important, and what is happening to them.  The book 
is geared towards 
students ages 10 and above, and is especially useful for Spanish-speaking youth 
or Spanish-learners 
who are also interested in tropical rainforests.  It can also be a useful 
resource for students 
participating in tropical biology courses and similar study-abroad programs in 
Latin America, as it 
may help communicate concepts and ideas with other students and local people in 

We have set up a website,, to disseminate part of 
the book contents and 
additional educational material.  The home page includes excerpts from the 
book.  The following link 
provides a brief description in English: 

A similar edition of the book is available in English, and is based in 
Mongabay's popular website for 
young readers: Rainforests.

We also included a page where we will upload material for educators (in English 
and Spanish). 
Currently, teachers, students, and other interested people may download a 
presentation (in both 
languages) to use in the classroom or other settings.

A major goal of this project is to circulate the books widely to young people 
(or schools) who may not 
have the financial resources to buy them.  To meet this goal, we have set up a 
page where visitors can 
donate a book copy to a local school: 

(This page describes how donations are used to cover the cost of producing the 
books, delivering the 
books to the schools, and a very small fraction covers the maintenance of the 
website, which is 
associated with is a public charity focused on 
raising awareness about 
social and environmental issues relating to forests and other ecosystems.)

We have donated book copies to several elementary schools in Northern 
California, and additional 
copies will be distributed in Peru in mid-2014.  Please help us disseminate 
this news.  We hope that, 
with your help, additional copies can be delivered to more schools in 2014!

Best regards,

Rudi von May, Jenny Jacobs, and Rhett Butler

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