Post-doctoral position

Project SOFIA

SOil Functional diversity as an Indicator of sustainable

management of Agroecosystems

 Project description

SOFIA project addresses the impact of agricultural practices on the
taxonomic and

functional diversity of the soil living communities, and the effects on the

performed by these soils (greenhouse gas emissions, carbon storage, nutrient

availability, reservoir of biodiversity). The applied treatments modulate
the amount,

chemical nature, and the location of food resources for soil organisms. The
project aims

to follow the differentiation of systems under the influence of these
practices and to

address specific factors, like chemical quality of the crop residues. The
data produced will

be used to test and improve biotic and abiotic indicators of soil
functioning, and to better

guide farmers and advisors in the context of transitions created by changes
in farming

practices. The post-doc fellow will analyse, model and publish the data.

 Required qualifications:

We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral scientist with interest in
collaborative soil

ecology research. Applicants should have a strong conceptual background on

and numerical ecology and should be autonomous in performing advanced

analyses (R software is preferred). Proficiency in spoken and written
English is

mandatory. A PhD in Ecology is required, preferentially with knowledge
concerning soil

invertebrate biology or ecology.

 Conditions of appointment:

The post-doc will be employed by the Institut National de la Recherche

(INRA) and located in the PESSAC lab at Versailles, close to Paris
(France). The postdoctoral

funding is granted for a period of one year (2 150 € per month).

 Mode of application:

To apply, please send an email (subject: Postdoc SOFIA) to  Dr. Mickael

(, Dr. Matthieu Chauvat ( and

Dr. Sylvie Recous (; SOFIA project leader)
containing a pdffile

with your application, a detailed CV (including a brief description of

interests, previous employments, and publication list), reprints of your
two most

important published articles, and contact details of at least two
references (letters of

recommendation are optional). Application deadline is June 15th, 2014.

Ideally, job will start during summer 2014.

2014-04-15 16:40 GMT+02:00 Gael Caro <>:

> A postdoc in function ecology in France near to Paris
> -----------------------
> Post-doctoral position
> Centre d'Etudes Biologique de Chizé CNRS - UPR 1934
> 79360 Villiers-en-Bois

Gaël Caro
Post-doctoral position
Centre d'Etudes Biologique de Chizé CNRS - UPR 1934
79360 Villiers-en-Bois

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