The Stream and River Ecology Laboratory at The Ohio State University seeks 
a research assistant for research related to wildfire impacts on river 
ecosystems in Yosemite National Park. Primary duties include stream 
habitat and geomorphic evaluations, benthic invertebrate surveys, 
vegetation surveys, and riparian spider surveys in addition to data entry 
and GIS analysis. This position wil require long hours in the field 
(sometimes in inclement weather), work overnight, multi-day wilderness 
assignments, and work alone when necessary. Applicants can expect to hike 
long ditances and carry a heavy pack (25-45 lbs). Accomodation can be 
provided in the form of a camp site. Must have a valid driver's license. 
Undergraduate students in ecology, environmental science, or natural 
resources are encourged to apply. Preference will be given to applicants 
with experience in GIS analysis and back country travel.

This position runs approximately June 15th to September 15th, 2014, but 
start and end dates are flexible. Approximate compensation is $9 per hour, 
full time. A campsite is provided.

To apply, please send a brief cover letter, resume, and two references to 
Breezy Jackson ( and/or Dr. Mazeika Sullivan 
( (or reply to this email). We will begin our 
selection process on Monday April 28th, but application materials will be 
accepted until May 2nd.

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