ANNOUNCEMENT: European Dendroecological Fieldweek 2014, Oviedo/Spain

  Dear colleagues and friends,

  We have the pleasure to invite you to the European Dendroecological
  Fieldweek 2014, from 1 to 6 September in Oviedo, Spain.


  This fieldweek will be performed as joint event of the WSL, CETEMAS,
  IPE-CSIC and the University of Cordoba and will take place in the
  attractive city of Oviedo (Asturias) and surroundings, providing a
  scenic Atlantic and Mediterranean environment.

  Instructors will include Alan Crivellaro, Andrea Hevia, David Frank,
  J.Julio Camarero, Kerstin Treydte, Lena Hellmann and Raúl
  ( More instructors will join us
  very soon (you can check updates and news in the website).

  The fieldweek is particularly open for young researchers (beginners,
  Master and PhD students, Postdocs) worldwide from all fields of tree
  ring research. Participation will be limited to a maximum of 40 people.

  The topics will cover the full spectrum of dendrochronological issues
  (dendroclimatology, dendroecology and wood anatomy, dendrogeomorphology,
  dendroarcheology ...) and foster cross-disciplinary links. Each topic
  will include keynote lectures, fieldwork (Tineo forests) and workshops
  in small groups. All fieldweek participants are expected to present
  their work and there will be ample opportunity for discussion.

  The fee will be 450 Euro including conference fee, accommodation and
  meals. The deadline for application is June 30 and successful
  applicants will be notified one week after. Information about grants
  will be provided on the website soon.

  Please download the registration form at and email it to Selected participants will be notified by 7
  July 2014. After notification, send us the proof of payment as soon as
  possible. Those who will not have paid within 2 weeks after
  registration will loose the first come first serve advantage.

  For more details see

  We are looking forward to meeting you in Spain!

  The organizers.

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