PhD research assistantship:
Movement tactics and the impact of human disturbance on large mammals

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to participate in a project 
on the movement tactics of large mammals. The successful candidate will 
join a research group comprised of biologists and statisticians working on 
the development of statistical technics to identify the factors influencing 
animal movements. The student will be in charge of testing some of those 
methods using existing data on gps-collared mammals (e.g., wolf, bison, 
caribou and some African species) and fine-scale habitat features. These 
technics will be used to evaluate the impact of human disturbance (e.g., 
traffic on forest road, hunting, low altitude flights) on the distribution 
of forest-dwelling caribou in the Cote-Nord region of Quebec. Because an 
extensive database will be available, no addition fieldwork is required. 
The student will be supervised by D. Fortin (U. Laval, www.cef- et A. Massé (Ministère 
des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs).

Qualifications: Hold an MSc in terrestrial ecology or related field. Be 
familiar with the use of Geographic Information Systems, and have a strong 
interest for statistics and quantitative ecology. Laval University is a 
French university, and the student will be asked to learn French within the 
first two years. 

A scholarship of 18,500$/year is available for 3 years. However, students 
admissible for NSERC and FQRNT fellowships will be favored.

Documents to provide by email: Applicants for this position should forward 
a short cover letter indicating their motivation, accompanied by a current 
resume, unofficial transcripts and contact information of three references 
to: Ariane Massé (  We will start reviewing 
the applications on 20 May 2014.

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