I'm planning to end my ecology/evolution courses this semester with a section on what we have learned as recently as this year, which might cause the course to be taught differently next year. Some examples I've thought of already:

- increased recognition of the problem of antibiotic resistance, and some efforts to address it (e.g., large meat producers announcing they will stop prophylactic use of antibiotics)

- discovery of new human (and other) fossils that will probably result in changes in how we understand the history of our species

- new results from genomic analysis of hominids such as Homo neanderthalensis, and the discovery of 20% of their genome in our species.

- increased information about the consequences of climate change; e.g., the report yesterday of the National Climate Assessment

- A greater understanding of the significance of gut microbiomes

What other examples should I include that will help document how rapidly and significantly ecological science and evolution are changing?

David Inouye

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