There is a very interesting story behind this approach, having to do with a 
google earth engineer who lived near a proposed timber harvest in the Santa 
Cruz mountains that understated the extent of a clearcut. She successfully used 
google earth to accurately describe the proposal and demonstrate that it 
exceeded criteria for exemption. She has apparently become quite a conservation 
This is second hand information from a friend who works on marine protected 
areas for an environmental law firm. Others may have more specific information 
at hand?

Rachel O'Malley 
-Sent from my telephone

On May 19, 2014, at 7:41 AM, David Inouye <> wrote:

> My brother's been using this technique to measure area by using images 
> grabbed from Google Earth.  Looks like it might work better for some of the 
> areas I've been measuring by walking the perimeter with a hand-held GPS 
> (Garmin) that can measure area that way.  He provided a link to this resource 
> for more information about the technique:
> David Inouye

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