Dear Attendees of the 2014 ESA Annual Meeting:
The Theoretical Ecology Section of the ESA is proud to announce the thirteenth 
annual Alfred J. 
Lotka prize for the best poster and Vito Volterra prize for the best talk given 
by students during 
the ESA annual meeting. The award is open to undergraduate and graduate 
students who, as sole 
or first author, present a talk or poster at the 2014 ESA annual meeting on 
original research in 
theoretical ecology.  All suitable approaches that yield theoretical insight to 
ecological phenomena 
will be considered.  Prizes will be awarded on the basis of merit, originality, 
and clarity of 
To be considered for either the Lotka award or the Volterra award, students (or 
their advisors) 
should notify me by 15 July 2014, providing the following information:
Applicant's name:
Talk or Poster:
Time/Date/Place of presentation/poster:
Please provide this information by email to, and include 
Award' in the subject line.
Please forward this announcement to any students who you know are giving talks 
or presenting 
posters on any aspect of theoretical ecology at this year's ESA meeting.
Looking forward to seeing you in Sacramento!
Marissa Baskett
Vice-Chair, Theoretical Ecology Section of the ESA

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