Dear ESA Members:

Today, Wednesday, June 18th, 2014, the US Senate is scheduled to begin 
debating its bill to increase funding for the National Science Foundation 
(NSF) in fiscal year (FY) 2015. We are asking you to contact your senators 
today if you agree increased funding for the National Science Foundation is 
important for ecological science.

Step 1: Write your letter              
Step 2:  Email your Senators,

Email Subject Line: Please Support Science in S. 2437

Sample Letter

Dear (Insert your Senator’s name.),

I write to express my support for sustained science investment in S. 2437, 
the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) Appropriations 
Act of 2015. 

I appreciate the bipartisan manner in which the committee developed this 
bill and request that Senators oppose amendments that would undermine the 
National Science Foundation’s (NSF) existing peer review process or cut 
funding for STEM education, biological, geological, behavioral and social 

America’s efforts to innovate and maintain our global competitiveness depend 
on sustained-federal funding for scientific research. If enacted, S. 2437 
would provide $7.255 billion for NSF, which is $83 million higher than the 
fiscal year (FY) 2014 enacted funding. This Senate’s budget number is lower 
than the $7.4 billion included in the CJS House Appropriations bill passed 
last month. Any further cuts would significantly hinder NSF’s budget 
capacity to keep pace with inflation. 

The legislation also contains $5.4 billion for the National Oceanic 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a $105 million increase over the FY 2014 
enacted level. I urge you to reject any amendments that would cut NOAA’s 
climate research funding. The data provided from climate research is crucial 
for management efforts related to drought, flooding, and torrential storms 
and also helps our nation understand long-term trends in atmospheric 

I appreciate Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) and 
House CJS Appropriations Chairman Frank Wolf (R-VA) for their collaborative 
bicameral work in supporting sustained investment in federal research. My 
hope is for a final conference bill, agreed upon by Congress this fall, 
which sustains critical investment in scientific research that allows our 
nation to innovate and maintain our global competitiveness.

(Insert your name.)

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