Hello everyone, I apologize for the cross-posting. However I wanted to share 
the following information:

OTS is offering several graduate level courses for 2015. All are accredited 
courses, meaning students that participate will receive academic credit. OTS is 
a consortium of over 50 universities worldwide so credits from our courses are 
recognized by all the member institutions (http://bit.ly/1078fLg). The course 
catalog can be found here http://bit.ly/1nl5E8k

Courses offered for 2015:

An Introduction to Tropical Ecology:

-Coordinator: Jane Zelikova

-Course duration: 4 weeks (December 29, 2014 - January 24. 2015)

-Deadline: September 30, 2014

-Credits: 4.0

Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes:

-Coordinator: Robbin Moran & Eddie Watkins

-Course duration: 2 weeks (January 7 -22, 2015)

-Deadline: October 1, 2014

Ecología Tropical y Conservación:

-Coordinator: Federico Chinchilla

-Course duration: 7 weeks (January 12 - February 21, 2015)


Biodiversity Conservation through the Lens of Indigenous Communities

-Coordinator: Claudine Sierra & Mariana Altrichter

-Course duration: 2 weeks (May 24 - June 9, 2015)

-Deadline: February 3, 2015.

Systematics, Ecology, Evolution and Uses of Palms

-Coordinator: Andrew Henderson, Henrik Balselv, Chuck Peters, Scott Zona

-Course duration: 2 weeks (May 25 - June 7, 2015)

-Deadline: February 3, 2015.

Tropical Biology: An Ecological Approach

-Coordinator:  TBD

-Course duration: 6 weeks (June 8 - July 19, 2015)

-Credits: 6 credits awarded by the University of Costa Rica

-Deadline: February 3, 2015

Sistemática de Plantas Tropicales

-Coordinator:  TBD

-Course duration: 5 weeks (June 30 - Agosto 3, 2015)

-Credits: 6 credits awarded by the University of Costa Rica

-Deadline: February 3, 2015

Payment for Ecosystem Services: Putting Theory into Practice in Costa Rica 

-Coordinator: Erin Sills<http://cnr.ncsu.edu/fer/directory/sills.php>
-Course duration: 2 weeks (May 25 - June 8, 2015)
-Credits: 2 semester credits awarded by the University of Costa Rica

-Deadline: February 3, 2015

Ecology and Evolution of Coleoptera (Beetles)

-Coordinator: Christopher Carlton, Richard Leschen, Nathan Lord, & Victoria 

-Course duration: 3 weeks (June 5 - 24, 2015)

-Deadline: February 3, 2015

Inquiry in Rainforests: an in-service program for teachers 

- Coordinator: Barbara Bentley and Joe Levine

- Course duration: 2 weeks (July 8 - 21, 2015)

- Application deadline: March 1, 2015.

Monitoring Tropical Forest Dynamics In A Changing Climate

-Coordinator: Johanna Hurtado (http://www.teamnetwork.org/) and Susan Letcher 
-Course duration: 2 weeks (July 21 to August 3, 2015)

-Course Credits: 2.0
-Application Deadline: February 3, 2015.

Monitoring Terrestrial Vertebrates Using Camera Traps: Field and Analytical 

-Coordinator: Johanna Hurtado (http://www.teamnetwork.org/)

-Course duration: 2 weeks (August 3-13, 2015)

-Course credits: 2.0

-Application deadline: February 3, 2014, followed by rolling admission until 

Andrés Santana
Graduate Education Department
Organization for Tropical Studies
San Pedro, Costa Rica. 676-2050
(506) 2524-0607 ext. 1511
Skype: andres.santana_otscro
twitter: @ots_tropicaledu<https://twitter.com/ots_tropicaledu>

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