Two positions at the Smithsonian

Marine Global Earth Observatory (MarineGEO) —
Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network (TMON)

The Smithsonian Institution seeks excellent candidates for two positions to 
support the Marine Global Earth Observatory (MarineGEO), a growing global 
network of partners collaborating to understand how marine life is responding 
to environmental change, and the role of biodiversity in mediating resilience 
of near-shore marine ecosystems. The partnership is coordinated by the 
Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network (TMON) based at the Smithsonian and is 
unique in its use of standardized measurements and coordinated experiments, and 
its long-term focus on biodiversity and functioning in shallow waters. 
MarineGEO/TMON represents a major research initiative in the science portfolio 
of the Smithsonian Institution. The network currently consists of the 
Smithsonian’s four Atlantic sites in Maryland (Smithsonian Environmental 
Research Center), Florida (Smithsonian Marine Station), Belize (Carrie Bow Cay 
field station), and Panama (STRI Bocas del Toro field station), and is actively 
developing additional partner sites.

Program Manager

The Program Manager assists the Director of TMON in coordinating management of 
the international network, maintains accounting and reporting responsibilities, 
manages contractual agreements with national and international research 
partners, prepares summaries of research and program progress and needs, and 
manages logistical needs, fund-raising and development opportunities, and 
outreach initiatives for the network. The Program Manager works closely with 
the Director in developing the collaborative network of MarineGEO/TMON sites 
globally, including coordination of research and training activities, 
fellowships and small grants programs, and assistance with data management. The 
Program Manager serves as assistant to the Director.

Candidates should ideally hold a M.S. degree in biology, oceanography, or 
environmental science with a marine focus. Experience managing large grants, 
budgets, and/or research programs is strongly preferred. Because the project 
involves a collaborative global partnership, strong organizational, 
communication, writing, and people skills are essential.

The Program Manager position will be based at the headquarters of 
MarineGEO/TMON at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History in 
Washington, DC. This is a full-time, permanent, trust-fund position with 
similar requirements and benefits to a federal position. The position is open 
to all candidates eligible to work in the United States. Review of applications 
will begin on 30 July 2014 and will continue until the position is filled.

Marine Biology Research Technician

The marine biology research technician provides technical support for a variety 
of field and laboratory tasks in MarineGEO/TMON’s program of marine research. 
Under the guidance of the TMON Director, the duties of the incumbent will 
include but are not limited to field sampling of marine organisms, 
identification of marine organisms using microscopy and taxonomic literature; 
conducting field and laboratory experiments; preparation and curation of frozen 
and preserved specimens; deposition of specimens in museum collections; 
maintenance and data retrieval from water quality monitoring instruments; 
management, entry, and analysis of data; and assistance in preparation and 
publication of reports, proposals, and manuscripts.

The position requires a Bachelor’s degree, with Master’s degree strongly 
preferred, in Biology, Marine Science, or related field. The position requires 
practical knowledge of biology and taxonomy of marine organisms and marine 
research procedures. Ability to operate small to medium sized boats is strongly 
preferred. Scuba certification and scientific diving experience are strongly 
preferred, and must be completed soon after acceptance of the position. The 
applicant must be competent in computer data entry, data management, 
statistical analysis, and effective writing skills.

The Research Technician position will be based at the Smithsonian Environmental 
Research Center in Edgewater, MD. This is a full-time, permanent, trust-fund 
position with similar requirements and benefits to a federal position. The 
position is open to all candidates eligible to work in the United States. 
Review of applications will begin on 30 July 2014 and will continue until the 
position is filled.

Applications for both positions should include (1) a current Curriculum Vitae; 
(2) a 1-2 page summary of career goals, experience, and interests relevant to 
the MarineGEO/TMON program; and (3) names and full contact information (postal 
address, email address, and phone number) of three references. Please submit 
applications electronically as a single PDF document to Dr. J. Emmett Duffy, 
Director of TMON and Chair of the Search Committee at:<> with the file name and email subject 
heading ‘MarineGEO manager application – SURNAME’ or ‘MarineGEO technician 
application – SURNAME’ with your surname in capital letters. Inquiries can be 
sent to the same email address. Review of applications will begin on 24 July 
2014 and continue until the position is filled.

To learn more about MarineGEO/TMON, visit our website 

The Smithsonian Institution is an equal opportunity employer.


J. Emmett Duffy
Director, Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network
Smithsonian Institution
PO Box 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012
ph: 202-633-4037

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