
On behalf of my colleagues from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the US EPA 
Office of Research and Development, I invite you to submit an abstract to the 
2014 AGU Fall Meeting Biosciences section session "Western Siberian Peatlands: 
Sources, Sinks, and Processes Affecting Carbon Effluxes". The session is 
described thusly:

Peatlands cover approximately 36% of the western Siberian landscape and are 
significantly influenced by manifestations of global climate change affecting 
carbon effluxes. These climatological alterations influence changes in process 
rates and fluxes of CO2, CH4, and other gases, as well as presage hydrological 
and structural changes potentially amplifying feedback loops. This session 
provides a forum to present advances in peatland science in a changing world, 
with a particular focus on how climate change is affecting the western Siberian 
peatland landscape, the world's most extensive peatland system. While 
interested in site-specific studies, we further encourage studies on peatland 
biogeochemical, physical, and hydrological processes at larger scales and the 
emergence of cross-scale patterns.

Additional information may be found here:

Invited speakers include:
1) Sergey Kirpotin, Tomsk State University,
2) Laurence Smith, UCLA,;
3) Jeff Chanton, Florida State University,;
4) Johanna Karlsson, Stockholm University,

Note that abstracts are due by 06 August.

We appreciate your consideration, and please pass this along to interested 

With regards,
Charles Lane
Senior Scientist
US EPA Office of Research and Development
on behalf of session co-conveners

-          Evgeny Gordov, Director, Siberian Center for Environmental Research 
and Training; Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, 
Russian Academy of Sciences

-          Egor Dyukarev, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological 
Systems, Russian Academy of Sciences

-          Brad Autrey, JD, US EPA Office of Research and Development

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