I am seeking a motivated Ph.D. student to pursue interdisciplinary research in 
the field of geospatial sciences. The student will have the opportunity to 
develop their own research related to one of my ongoing research projects. 

I.  The NASA-funded Multiple Indicators Detecting Significant Trends (MIDST) 
project seeks to answer the question: Where in the western hemisphere is the 
vegetated land surface changing significantly during the past 15+ years in 
response to direct human impacts? The MIDST system will use multiple products 
from the following sensors: MODIS, AMSR-E/AMSR2, AIRS/AMSU-A, MOPITT, CERES, 
TRMM, in conjunction with the NASA Global Land Data Assimilation System 
(GLDAS). Two thematic areas for particular emphasis on characterizing change 
are the megacities and conurbations of the western hemisphere and the cerrado 
of Brazil. Project team includes Dr. Xiaoyang Zhang of SDSU and Dr. Kirsten de 
Beurs of the University of Oklahoma. 

II. The NASA-funded interdisciplinary project "Storms, Forms, and Complexity of 
the Urban Canopy" seeks to answer the question: How do land use, settlement 
patterns, and the shapes of cities interact to influence the behavior of severe 
storms? Of particular interest is the modulation of land surface phenology in 
urbanized and urbanizing areas and the linkages to the urban heat island 

Applicants should have earned master's degree in ecology, geography, 
environmental science, or a closely related discipline along with a strong 
conceptual background in landscape ecology, land change science, ecological 
remote sensing, or other appropriate field. 

Position is based at the Geospatial Sciences Center of Excellence (GSCE), a 
dynamic internationally recognized research center at SDSU located in 
Brookings, SD.  South Dakota was recently ranked the state with the 5th highest 
quality of life in the US. 

The GSCE is a friendly research environment that has excellent research 
infrastructure and computing support. Visit

A background in geographic information systems, experience with remote sensing 
data processing and analysis, computer programming skills, and knowledge of 
ENVI/IDL and the R environment are all highly desirable. 

The student will pursue a Ph.D. in Geospatial Science and Engineering, an 
interdisciplinary degree program at South Dakota State University. Potential 
starting dates are Fall 2014 or Spring 2015.  GRA stipend is $30,000 for a 
12-month 0.49 FTE position and benefits include medical insurance. 

To apply for this position, send the following information in electronic form 
to the address below: Curriculum Vitae, 1-page statement of research interests, 
and copies of transcripts. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. 

South Dakota State University is committed to affirmative action, equal 
opportunity and the diversity of its faculty, staff and students. Women and 
minorities are encouraged to apply. Non-US citizens may apply.

Geoffrey M. Henebry, Ph.D., C.S.E.
Professor of Natural Resource Management 
Co-Director & Senior Research Scientist 
Geospatial Sciences Center of Excellence (GSCE) 
South Dakota State University 
1021 Medary Ave., Wecota Hall 506B 
Brookings, SD 57007-3510, USA
voice: 1-605-688-5351 (-5227 FAX)

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