Dear colleagues, 

We invite abstract submissions to the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting session: 
"Ecosystem structure: remote sensing observations and modelling of its 
influence on radiation regimes and gas exchanges". 

The session invited authors are:
* Tristan Quaife (U. Reading)
* Douglas Morton (GSFC)
* Fumiki Hosoi (U. Tokyo)
* Mathias Disney (UCL) (to confirm)

Co-conveners: Martin Beland (UC Berkeley, USA),  Hideki Kobayashi (Japan 
Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama, Japan ), Brady 
Hardiman (Boston University, USA)

Session details: 
Forest canopy structure influences the solar radiation measured from 
satellite sensors used to map essential climate variables and leaf 
biochemistry. It also influences nonlinear processes regulating the exchange 
of CO2 and water vapour with the atmosphere. Advances in remote sensing 
technology (e.g. LiDAR, RADAR) offer improved capacities to characterise 
canopy structure and examine its influence. We invite contributions 
investigating the retrieval of canopy structure information from remote 
sensing, as well as its use in radiative transfer, biophysical, vegetation 
dynamics, or terrestrial biosphere models.

Web link:

Please note the deadline for abstract submissions is August 6, 2014. 

Brady, Martin, and Hideki

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