
As an Ecology graduate student, one of my favorite classes was "Classical
Ecology" taught by Eric Post at Penn State, which paired readings from the
Foundations of Ecology text with recent high-impact publications that built
on the theory from the classics. I am now teaching courses to undergraduate
and graduate students on agroecology and cropping systems. I am interested
in developing a similar type of course, where students engage with
"classical" readings in the area of agroecology (i.e., Root RB. 1973.
Organization of a plant-arthropod association in simple and diverse
habitats: the fauna of collards (*Brassica oleracea*). Ecol Monogr 43:95–124.)

Any suggestions on papers you'd consider classics related to ecological
concepts in agricultural systems?

Many thanks,

Randa Jabbour
Assistant professor of Agroecology
Plant Sciences
University of Wyoming

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