
Once again, I am asking you to report any occurrences of honeysuckle leaf 
blight that you may have seen this year. I first noticed it in the Cincinnati 
area in 2012, and it was also widely present in 2013. I saw very little of it 
initially this year, but I am now noticing it a lot.

The blight is caused by the native fungus Insolibasidium deformans, which 
apparently affects all native and exotic honeysuckles, except for Japanese.

If you are not familiar with the symptoms, I've created a page with pictures:

There's also a link there to my forthcoming paper in Biological Invasions that 
has a description, as well as links to earlier work. I've been finding 
honeysuckle stand decline in the area, and while I can't say with 100% 
confidence that the blight has caused it, the circumstantial evidence is strong.

Please feel free to pass this on.

Cheers, Rick
Richard L. Boyce, Ph.D.
Director, Environmental Science Program
Department of Biological Sciences, SC 150
Northern Kentucky University
Nunn Drive
Highland Heights, KY  41099  USA

859-572-1407 (tel.)
859-572-5639 (fax)<>

"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making 
exciting discoveries." - A.A. Milne

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