This Thursday, August 28, is the last day to register at the early-bird rate - 
register today at!

Meeting the Challenge: Preventing, Detecting, and Controlling Invasive Plants

September 16-17, 2014
University of Washington Botanic Gardens, Seattle, WA

Invasive plants are a significant threat to biodiversity and ecosystem 
function. New introductions continue to emerge through a variety of pathways 
and vectors, while existing invaders continue to persist and expand their 
range. Changes in climate, land use, and biotic interactions present new 
challenges in controlling the spread of these invaders. Land managers and 
scientists will hear the latest information on how to effectively prevent, 
detect, and respond to these persistent and emerging threats. Conference 
presentations, both invited and contributed, will stimulate dialogue, raise new 
questions and offer innovative solutions. Participants from throughout 
northwestern North America will contribute ideas and meet colleagues for 

Details and registration at

Hosted by University of Washington Botanic Gardens and Pacific Northwest 
Invasive Plant Council
Sponsored by the US Forest Service
Supported by the Oregon Department of Forestry

Jessica Farmer
Adult Education Supervisor
University of Washington Botanic Gardens

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